Specialists & Innovators
- Corporate Governance
- Regulatory
- Antitrust and Competition
- Private Equity
- Mercantile Contracts
- Anti-Money Laundering Measures
- Private Investment Funds
- Merger and Acquisitions
- Real Estate
- Projects
- Reestructuring and Bankruptcy
- Joint Ventures
- Trademarks and other rights
- Patents
- Trade Secrets
- Copyright
- Domain names
- Infringements and crimes of Intellectual Property
- Anticounterfeit campaigns
- Licensing and transfer of technology
- Franchises
- Data Privacy
- Online monitoring and surveillance of trademark and copyrig
- Commercial Litigation
- Amparo
- Administrative Litigation
- Contractual Disputes
- Copyright
- Trademark and Patents
- Infringements and crimes of Intellectual Property
- Domain Name Disputes
- Arbitration
- Engineering, Procurement and Construction Agreements
- Build, Lease and Transfer Agreements
- Distribution of Fuels and Lubricants
- Natural Gas
- Secondary Petrochemicals
- Electric Power Projects
- Renewable Energy Projects
- Comprehensive Due Diligence
- Negotiated Acquisitions
- Mergers
- Spin-offs
- Tender offers
- Leveraged buy-outs
- Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances
- Corporate Reestructuring
- Privatizations
- Advice to determine the investment vehicle to be used in Mexico.
- Assistance in the incorporation process of subsidiaries, branches and/or representative offices.
- Registration of companies with the National Registry of Foreign Investment.
- Negotiation of commercial terms with the client’s co-investor.
- Obtainment of National Commission on Foreign Investment Authorizations.
- Filing of reports before the National Registry of Foreign Investments.
- Obtainment of apostilles or legalizations.
- Assistance in immigration procedures.